You are about to TRUST someone with one of the most important operational decisions for your business: Who should have access to and support, secure and maintain your company’s critical data and IT systems?

This decision, if mishandled or granted to the wrong person, could turn into a number of time-consuming, costly and irritating problems for you, including endless technical “glitches,” extended downtime, errors, slowness and possibly even critical data loss or security breaches. If you don’t want that kind of stress in your life, then you should ONLY call Securafy Inc.

However, we are not a right fit for everyone. Therefore, in the spirit of saving time for both of us, I submit to you the following checklist to help you identify if our services would be ideal for you…or not. The following are the types of people who seek us out and gain the greatest benefit from our services:

Exceptionally Busy CEOs Of Successful, Fast-Growth Firms
Why? Because we know that with so many pressing deadlines and demands on your time, you need someone who will just get things done right and fast. In fact, that’s why our service plans are designed to take complete responsibility for everything IT-related in your business. Our #1 goal is to minimize your involvement in any technical problems and eliminate anything that would slow down productivity and progress. You won’t hear us telling you “that’s not our problem,” “we can’t handle that for you” or “you’ll have to call XYZ company to get that problem resolved.” We simply get it done and don’t quibble over who caused it or whose problem it is. If you’re the kind of CEO who just wants to have everything handled, we’re ideal for you. However, if you are the kind of person who wants to try to maintain part of your IT systems on your own to save a bit of money and only call us in when you run into a roadblock or problem you can’t resolve, then we won’t be an ideal fit for you.

CEOs Who Want Things Done RIGHT, Not Cheap
Why? Our best clients are the ones who want things done RIGHT the first time so they don’t have to deal with do-overs and wasted time. They would rather invest a bit more in the right tools, technology and infrastructure up front than try to save every penny. That’s not to suggest that our best clients are foolish in their budgets and spending—just the opposite. They simply know that a quality system and the right plan are far more important than saving a couple of bucks.

CEOs Who Want A Competent, Professional TEAM Supporting Them
Why? Because they hire and run their business with teams and appreciate our Team System for providing exceptional IT support. They know that the most dangerous number in business is “one.” They also know that no one person has the answer to every single problem, and that difficult problems are best solved when a highly competent and experienced team of professionals come together to resolve it.

CEOs of Small to Midsize Business in Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, and Medina
Our clients typically have 10 to 150 workstations (up to 500), and rely on their computers, network, and Internet for daily operations. Most of our clients have a specialized line of business application that they use to run their business and rely heavily on that software being operational. They represent a broad cross-section of industries and are located in Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, and Medina.

Add our technology experts to your company's team when:

  • You want to focus on your business, not the technology.
  • Your current system seems to hinder business more than it helps.
  • You need better reliability and security for your computer network.
  • You know that computer downtime costs you money.
  • You need to be certain your data is always backed up, period.
  • You need to know where your inventory is at all times.
  • You'd like to enable your employees to work remotely.
  • You want your employees to do the jobs they were hired for, not waste their time on computer problems.
  • You believe that paying to prevent problems is more efficient than paying to fix problems.
  • You're looking to expand your business, but need to know the technology and costs involved in doing so.
  • Your interests are tied to the bottom line.

If we sound like a good fit for you, I encourage you to schedule a quick 15-minute call to get a FREE IT Security Risk Assessment. When this 100% confidential Risk Assessment is complete, you will know:

  • If you and your employees’ credentials, passwords and private information are being sold on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee they are, and the information we dig up will shock you).
  • IF your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees.
  • IF your current backup would allow you to be back up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files – 99% of the computer networks we’ve reviewed would NOT survive a ransomware attack.
  • IF your IT systems, backup and data handling meet strict compliance requirements for data protection.

Schedule a quick 15-minute call to discuss your Free IT Security Assessment here.

The Akron, Medina, The Greater Cleveland Area, and The Greater Columbus Area Business Owner's Guide To IT Support Services And Fees